
Greetings and welcome to Scrumptious and Sumptuous! My blog came to life in 2011, shortly after I discovered the online foodie world and grew smitten (meaning “obsessed”) with all the photos and recipes I encountered. From the time of high school, I have loved to bake sweet treats, and friends always ask for the recipes for the goodies I make. Blogging, then, seemed like an easy forum to share my love of baking. In choosing a name, Scrumptious and Sumptuous resonated with me because those two adjectives epitomize the world of food for me.

My affair with baking began back in high school. I have always adored all things sweet, hence I love to tinker with sugar and spices to create dishes whose “scrumptious” flavors please the palate. Marriage in 2006, which has expanded my cooking skills, has also opened my world of savory enjoyment as well, hence the “sumptuous” part of the blog name.

Prior to marital bliss, spaghetti and hot dogs were about all I could make for dinner. Or a bowl of cereal. Or a hunk of cheddar cheese with a slice of toast. Pretty pathetic for a woman in her 30’s, huh? But marriage in my 40’s brought me a man who loves to eat and appreciates all the cooking I do (and luckily he does his fair share, too), so I have come to relish the creative process of experimenting with recipes.

As a high school English teacher, the workload of planning lessons and grading essays sometimes pushes my kitchen time to the back burner. Since beginning this blog in 2011, though, I have come to savor my time playing in the kitchen and spend most of my spare minutes clanging pots and pans.

This food blogging journey has also led me into the world of DIY (Do it yourself). I now make most of our foods from scratch, I can a lot of soups and other foods, and I grow fruits and veggies in our small garden to fill our plates. Every moment in the kitchen (and garden) brings me joy.

Starting Scrumptious and Sumptuous has given me not only an outlet to play with my writing skills, but it has also developed my abilities in gardening, photographing, and most importantly, cooking and baking. Far from an expert in any of these areas, I simply enjoy learning and growing, so I feel very blessed for the opportunities the blog has given me. In addition, I am thankful for all of you who follow the blog and have joined me on this journey. May you learn much and experience much success in your kitchen endeavors!

13 thoughts on “About

  1. Maria, I’ve loved your desserts for years! So before marriage you still had cooking skills they were just for AFTER the meal. Now you’re the complete package. I look forward to hearing/tasting more!

  2. I enjoy baking, I don’t like cooking. I find that funny that one can prefer one to the other. I’m not confident in experimenting or throwing in a pinch of this or that. I like to follow a direction and then I’m good. I also need pictures in my cookbooks to see what it’s supposed to look like. I rarely try a recipe that doesn’t have a picture with it. Good thing God sent me a husband that cooks! Good Luck Maria, and I look forward to reading more.

  3. Hi Maria,

    Your site is really cool, and those pork chops look delicious!! I’ve got porks chops in the freezer, and now I know what to do with them.

    Looking forward to new posts! Great job!

  4. hi maria
    i used to babysit you …i’m deena’s cousin, so we are sort of related.
    what amazing recipes…i can’t wait to try them. Your blog is aptly named. It makes me hungry just looking at the pictures. Good luck and looking forward to trying the recipes. This reminds me of Julie and Julia. Any receipes for polychinca (don’t know how to spell it). Have fun and enjoy your journey….

  5. Maria – so happy that you’re doing this site. What a clever name and a great idea. Good for you! You go girl. This is terridic!

  6. how have i never seen your site before? drooled over most of what you have posted. You are officially in my google reader now and i will have to bookmark so i can go back and periodically review the recipes you’ve already posted.

  7. I’m dropping by because one or more photographs from this blog has been previously featured in the weekly Food Fetish Friday series on my blog. In order to continue featuring your photos as part of Food Fetish Fridays, I will need your authorization. Please read my recent post regarding this subject and email me with any questions: http://cookinwluv.blogspot.com/2012/09/wheres-food-fetish-friday.html Thanks so much and I hope to continue to feature your photos…

  8. Not only are you a fabulous cook but photographer as well.
    Love seeing your recipes pop up on my computer.
    Miss you!!

I love hearing your comments, so please share your thoughts!